Unfortunately, peat compost leaves its mark on the environment – so much so that it will actually be banned for sale in England by the year 2024.
Luckily, peat-free compost is readily available to landscapers and gardeners. As well as being the eco-friendly choice, peat-free compost comes with a variety of other benefits too.
So let’s explore what peat-free compost can bring to your project.
What is peat-free compost?
Instead of destroying precious peat bogs that have taken thousands of years to establish themselves, peat-free compost is an eco-friendly alternative that still boasts a superb quality of organic matter.
Peat-free composts are formed from a mixture of organic matter and inorganic matter. Examples of the organic matter component includes wood fibres, coir and green compost, but there are sometimes even more creative ingredients added such as sheep’s wool and straw waste. The inorganic matter added is usually grit or sand.
To ensure that there is enough air and moisture present, the composition will contain both fine and coarse particles. These materials and combinations will differ depending on the supplier you use.
Peat vs peat-free compost
Peat compost has been traditionally used, though its problems are starting to be seriously addressed, prompting a move to peat-free compost by the English government. So what are the benefits of peat-free compost over peat compost?
- High in nutrients: Many types of peat-free compost are high in nutrients, making them excellent soil improvers. Some types of peat-free compost will also retain their nutrient value for longer than peat options. Just do your research to get the best product for your project.
- Protects the environment Many composts that we buy contain peat, a type of partially decayed organic matter. But why is this a problem? Peat comes from European bogs and peatlands, which are a valuable habitat supporting a rich ecosystem. Disturbing the peatlands therefore negatively impacts the flora and fauna who depend on it.
- Reduces greenhouse gases: Peatlands are a fantastic carbon sink, which means that disturbing them to extract ingredients for compost can release harmful carbon dioxide gases into the atmosphere, worsening the effects of climate change. Peat-free compost keeps its hands clean from this detrimental effect.
- Conserves a fragile habitat: Because peatlands have taken thousands of years to form, once they are destroyed they cannot be recovered. Peat-free composts play a big part in allowing these ancient peatlands to remain unscathed.
- It will always be legal: The other benefit of peat-free compost is that it will always be legal, whereas peat compost will be illegal for sale and purchase in England by the year 2024. Which is all the more reason to get familiar with the fantastic benefits of peat-free compost now.
- High-quality peat-free compost is readily available: Through years of development and usage, you can purchase a high quality of peat-free compost. And this quality is only set to get even better as manufacturers will be forced by law to sell only peat-free products as of next year.
Now you’ve seen the great benefits of peat-free compost for the environment and your garden, how do you go about using it?
How to get the best from peat-free compost
Make sure that you are actually purchasing a peat-free product, and that it clearly states this on the bag – at Chargrace Soils, we only provide peat-free compost. Always read the label of peat-free products or online advice as the care routine you employ with peat-free products may differ slightly when using peat products.
If you find that peat-free compost is a little dry for your needs, simply adding a wetting agent will be all you need. Peat-free products might need a bit more watering in general to maintain their quality.
While often high in nutrients, adding fertiliser to peat-free compost may also help boost its productivity. Certain peat-free compost bags may even recommend certain fertilisers that pair well, or may inform you if a fertiliser has already been added to it, so pay attention to this guidance.
Here at Chargrace Soils, all of our composts are peat free so we can do our part to protect valuable peatland habitats. As a leading provider of landscaping materials for Kent and beyond, we pride ourselves on offering sustainable and responsibly sourced products. To place your order, simply browse our website or get in touch.